My young white trio: two Bradford pear trees and a Black Tartarian cherry tree glisten in the morning light and chill. |
Mornings in my garden this week were bright and cold, with a kiss of color and sunlight brushing the flowering trees.
The cherry tree is brilliant against a clear, bright sky. |
Afternoons breeze through, sometimes with dust; at other times the wind feels colder than the sunlight would suggest.
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The warm spring allowed my young Burkwood viburnum to bloom. The fragrance is divine and I adore seeing the pink buds opening to pure white, simple blossoms. |
I managed to get my little rosebushes from Heirloom Roses planted. My dear friend Sarah Z. treated me to three roses that I was anxious to have.
My three new babies patiently await. |
My previous experiment with Ebb Tide ended prematurely; I believe I planted it too early in the season. I am hoping that this time the roots will have a chance to grow and become well secured in their new home before the season is out.
Ebb Tide has a roomy new home in front of a rather winter-ravaged Ambridge Rose and next to Cl. America. |
I love Moonlight Scentsation so much that I chose another to keep it company.
Moonlight Scentsation poses before settling into a new home. |
I ordered Jean Kenneally -- I am fascinated by the idea of growing the highest rated rose ever -- but they sent Cl. Jeanne Lajoie by mistake. I already have several Jeanne Lajoie; charming as she is, I don't need another. I did manage to find a spot for her, and the good, service-oriented folks at Heirloom Roses are graciously sending my Jean Kenneally along soon.
Fragrant crabapple blossoms scent the afternoon. |
Evening quietly closes another happy spring day in the garden. |